So what are your goals? Are you trying to lose weight, trying to get your health under control, trying to get the family on board with paleo? What is it? No more excuses and no more eating whatever is around you.

That’s exactly what Real Plans is doing for the busy mom, the single dad, the college student, and everyone in between. But luckily more products, more apps, and more ideas are making health simpler as time goes on. If you don’t plan out what you and your family are going to eat, how are you suppose to keep you and your family healthy? Being healthy is not easy, it’s not simple and it takes time and energy compared to eating fast food or microwave meals. “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” That quote has always stuck with me ever since I was in college and began my lifestyle of paleo and CrossFit.
Free paleo meal planner how to#
I’m always getting emails about how to lose weight or get in shape or feel better. Real Plans has around 2500 recipes in their database, about 611 of which are PaleOMG recipes and that number is growing every week as I create more and more for you guys! That means you can easily search my recipes, easily add them into your meal planner, easily grocery shop, and easily put together a meal that everyone in your household will love! Give it up a ‘thumbs down’ if you’re not interested or a ‘thumbs up’ if you want to add that to your menu that week! Perfect way to mix up your routine and get outside your food comfort zone! Well, they have this super cool tool called Recipe Roulette that randomly picks recipes to help you look at recipes you might have never looked at in the first place. Deciding can be annoying when you do that in every other facet of your life. But with Real Plans timeline, every day they tell you what you need to do that day, whether it’s hitting the grocery store, thawing out meat, or prepping a recipe for later on.īut say you’re just not sure what to make this week.

Quickly your goals for making a healthy dinner fly out the door. How many times have you walked into your house at 7pm to cook dinner then figured out you were suppose to marinate something over night. They also create a timeline for you, which I think is one of the coolest parts. So you’ll never have your significant other calling and asking what the hell yuca is or what it looks like. So once you choose from the many recipes in their system or upload one of your favorites and import into your meal planner, then you will instantly have a shopping list that is segmented into groups depending on where you’re at in the grocery store! The list can also be viewed on your phone via their app and you can even take a picture of the ingredient to save for later. You have it all in one place! Everything you could think of, it’s customizable with Real Plans. No more scouring the internet for pork free, AIP friendly, restaurant style food. Real Plans settings makes customizing your meals easier than ever. Need some takeout style food this week? Just click on Asian. Someone eating AIP in your household? No problem, just click AIP. Husband doesn’t like pork? That’s fine, exclude it from your weekly meals. No more guessing on how to make the whole family happy because Real Plans makes it easier than ever. Real Plans makes planning your weeknight dinners, quick morning meals and even afternoon snacks easier than ever. Thanks to fabulously creative people Antony and Emily, you now have one of the most comprehensive and powerful meal planning services right at your fingertips. I now have an absolutely awesome meal planning tool for you guys. You guys do! So me telling you to cook this or that in some order isn’t going to conform to each and everyone one of you and your different lifestyles.īut luckily, that day has finally changed.

But I don’t have the normal 9-5 job or kids or baseball practice or business school classes at night. My fridge is usually stocked with some sort of new recipe or at least some sort of food to throw together. And you know what? I don’t plan much because I’m constantly making you guys new recipes so I have food in my house on a regular basis. I have had SO many people over the last few years ask about meal planning.